Ukrainian Motanka art dolls exhibition will take place in the European Parliament in Strasbourg during the plenary session from 12 to 15 December (Swan Bar Area, outside WIC 100).
The unique exhibition featuring a collection of dolls in European traditional outfits, which have been rescued from Mykolaiv - Ukrainian city under Russian bomb attacks - reflect the geographical and historical sites of origin of creators-artists from Ukraine and Europe.
The dolls were created and dressed in costumes from different European countries, the project idea and coordination belong to Nina Hagen and Tetiana Zolochevska, both inspired by "Ode to Joy" – the European anthem.
Many thanks to our friends, MEPs Petras Auštrevičius and Karin Karslbro, for organizing and hosting the event!
The European Parliament building is not accessible to external visitors. If you want to visit thye exhibition, please send a message to register before the 5th December, email :